Welcome to our fundraising page!!

What is the the Gray Eagle Elite Team?
The Gray Eagle Elite Team is our tournament team. The members of this team train just like the other students at our school with one exception…they learn skills to help them exceed at tournaments.
Because tournaments are expensive, we do fundraisers in order to help students that normally wouldn’t be able to afford to go get a chance to compete.
So please help support our Elite Team if you can by participating in our fundraisers!
2022 Fundraisers
- Candy sales – We are selling all kinds of candy. Find a Garland Elite Team Student if you are interested.
- 50/50 Raffle – We will be selling tickets for a raffle. You do not have to be present to win. Tickets will be $2 each. Winner will win half of the total amount raised. We will hold the raffle on October 29, 2022, at the Garland school.
- In-School Tournament on October 29, 2022 – Come join the fun. See what a tournament is all about! Come support your favorite Kung Fu student and cheer them on! ***We will post spectator and participant ticket prices soon.
If you would like to donate directly, please use the Venmo code below. Thanks!

If you have any questions, please contact Sifu Tony Huynh at sifutonyhuynh@taysonnhan.us or come visit him at the Garland school!